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Join THE worlds scar & areola tattooing subject matter expert

- Achieve the LEVEL UP you've been craving!


Together, we will spend 45 minutes of hyper-focused time on one of the following:

*collaboration on 1-3 recent or upcoming difficult tattoos with a common challenge so you will always know how to tackle that challenge

*ask me anything - how to develop new products, face a business challenge, or align more spiritually with your life's purpose as a tattooist

*RoadMap your current and long-term goals to find the perfect path to get you there with ease, specific homework will be given to build your strengths and hone your skills even more

*15-Minute FollowUp included, where we will review your progress and add a little more focused advice for an even bigger growth spurt!!!


Stacie-Rae's unconventional perspective will open your eyes to a different aspect of the tattoo world and your role in evolving our sacred community, while locking into your life's purpose even more.


Her mission in life is to help tattooists become their best self, sometimes this involves removing energetic blocks to help you soar


*Book a mentorship session if you are ready to see what might be holding you back from personal greatness, Stacie-Rae turns good tattooists into leaders and masters in their specific area!


Sessions will be done via zoom, please email any photos for review within 72 hours of your appointment!

*If you happen to be in Calgary, session can be done in person


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